Gov Bago Reveals Key Solution To Curb Insecurity In The North

...says Agriculture key to addressing menace in the North

Returning to agriculture is the only way to overcome insecurity and ensure sustainable development in the Northern Region, according to Farmer Governor Mohammed Umaru Bago of Niger State.

Speaking at the 10th Annual Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Lecture in Borno State, he remarked that individuals in positions of power had a responsibility to alter the historical narrative by going back to the time when the country’s northern regions relied heavily on agriculture as an employer of labour.

The governor expressed disapproval of the excessive reliance on the monthly allocation from the Federal Government during the event hosted by the Sir Ahmad Bello Memorial Foundation in association with the Borno State Government.

Bago, who acknowledged the doggedness of Late Sir Ahmad Bello who was instrumental in making the Northern Region focus on Agriculture, he said, prior to the discovery of oil in Nigeria, the Northern Region was globally recognised as a giant in Agriculture

Bago, described as the Farmer Governor justified the resolve by Niger State government to lay emphasis on the Agricultural sector noting it was aimed at not o ly empowering the citizenry but ridding the state of the menace of kidnapping and banditry.

Bago also suggested the need to deploy technology and mechanisation to be in tuned with modernisation and reiterated that Government must create enabling environment for agriculture to thrive.

Speaking on education, Farmer Governor Umaru Bago said the North needs to sit down and chart a new course on what measures to take to improve on the sector.

Bago advised that School curriculum must be in tandem with what is obtainable globally to enable the teeming youth have skills as they cannot be productive without skills.

The 10th Annual Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Lectures has the theme, ” Creating Pathways for Peace: Tackling Banditry and Insurgency through Good Governance for Sustainable Development”.

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