Kogi State Government Refutes Claims of “Office of Immediate Past Governor”

The government emphasized that it was fabricated to create disaffection and mislead the public

Kogi State Government
  • Kogi State Government denies establishing an “office of immediate past governor,” calls circulating rumor baseless and the product of mischief
  • Chief Press Secretary clarifies that the misinformation is an attempt to create disaffection and mislead the public

The Kogi State Government has categorically denied the circulating rumour suggesting that Governor Usman Ododo has established an “office of the immediate past governor” within the Government House premises in Lokoja, the state’s capital.

In a press statement signed by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Mr. Nihi Oladele, the government addressed the misleading information and urged the public to disregard it. The statement clarified that such a notion is baseless and the product of mischievous elements attempting to sow confusion.

According to Oladele, the fake news is the work of “psychotic mischief makers” who may be unsettled by the accomplishments of the former Governor, Mr. Yahaya Bello, and the genuine appreciation he receives from the people of Kogi State.

Describing the report as laughable, the government emphasized that it was fabricated to create disaffection and mislead the public. However, the attempt to confuse the public has failed, as the media has exercised restraint and independently verified the falsity of the report.

While expressing gratitude to the media for their discernment, the government urged the general public to adopt a cautious approach and fact-check before disseminating information to prevent the spread of fake news.

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