NEDC to Establish Waste Recycling Plan for Six States to Address Climate Change

The North-East Development Commission (NEDC) is set to implement a waste recycling initiative across the six northeastern states

Climate Change

The North-East Development Commission (NEDC) is set to implement a waste recycling initiative across the six northeastern states as part of efforts to tackle climate change in the region.

Dr. Zainab Mohammed Challube, the Commission’s consultant and Coordinator of the Waste Management and Recycling Program, announced this Monday in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State.

During a training session involving 175 individuals on waste recycling and watershed management to combat climate change and environmental degradation, Challube highlighted the benefits of establishing a waste recycling plant. She emphasized that besides providing employment opportunities, such a facility would contribute to environmental cleanliness.

Challube mentioned that the proposal for establishing the recycling plant is already in progress, with the Commission refining the plan to expedite its implementation.

She underscored the importance of addressing environmental degradation in the northeast, particularly in the region’s history of such challenges. The training program aims to enhance environmental sustainability and empower individuals whose lives have been affected by the Boko Haram insurgency.

In agreement, Engr Mohammed Umar, the Borno State Coordinator of the NEDC, representing the commission’s Executive Director, reiterated the program’s objective of reducing global warming across the region’s six states. He emphasized the potential for the program to foster self-reliance among participants through waste recycling initiatives, encouraging them to embrace the opportunity wholeheartedly.

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