TETFund to build modern research center in Abuja

Echono, making this announcement during a visit by a senior delegation from King's College on Tuesday in Abuja, highlighted that the completed center will attract researchers and postgraduate scholars from existing colleges and universities, particularly in medical sciences

The Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) has revealed its collaboration with other stakeholders to establish a state-of-the-art research center in Abuja.

Echono, making this announcement during a visit by a senior delegation from King’s College on Tuesday in Abuja, highlighted that the completed center will attract researchers and postgraduate scholars from existing colleges and universities, particularly in medical sciences.

He also expressed TETFund’s commitment to supporting King’s College, London, in its partnership with the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) for the proposed establishment of a medical school in Abuja.

Echono conveyed enthusiasm for the project and affirmed TETFund’s readiness to engage in research collaborations to address the challenges facing the country.

“Giving our heritage and long years of partnership with the UK, we are always delighted to have opportunities for collaboration in various fronts.

“I also want to add that in recognition of the huge challenge we face as a country especially in the area of life sciences, medical sciences and the huge foreign exchange expended annually on medical tourism to so many countries on the globe, we welcome any effort that will try and create local content to bring here such modern facilities to the right faculties to ensure we deliver tertiary health care to our people,” he said.

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