JUST-IN: Suspected Herdsmen Wipe Out Family Of Seven In Benue Attack

Benue Police Command said it was yet to get report of the attack.

Ten or more people were slain by suspected herdsmen in the Ukum Local Government Area of the Benue North senatorial zone on Tuesday afternoon in the communities of Azandeh, Mbasaa, Mbajiga, Ityulugh, and Torov.

Locals, however, estimate that the number is closer to thirty.

There was a family of seven among the murderers. Tersee Swende Adzandeh, Terngu Tortiv Adzandeh, Akighirga Adzandeh, Tyowuese Adzandeh, Tersee Mtindiga Adzandeh, and Terkaa Shiati Adzandeh were the names given by the locals to these individuals.

According to an eyewitness Tersoo Iorbee, he told The Nation that some suspected herdsmen were planning an attack on the neighborhood.

Iorbee said: ” More than one hour after that information, some gunmen with covered masks stormed Adzandeh settlement, shot at everyone in sight and when the dust was dawn 10 persons were confirmed dead, including a family of seven “

Msugh Aga, who escaped narrowly and is taking refuge in another town said: “The armed herdsmen shot at people. Thereafter, they used long knives and butchered them into the pieces. They also set many houses ablaze.”

The caretaker Chairman of Ukum Local Government Area Hon, Victor Iorzaa, who confirmed the incident, said he has directed the Divisional Police Officer( DPO) of Ukum to deploy more men to the troubled area to prevent further killings.

Ukum Local Government Area, which shares a boundary with Wukari Local Government Area in Taraba State, has been under attacks from suspected herdsmen.

But Benue Police Command said it was yet to get report of the attack.

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