ACF Supports House of Representatives Members’ Call for Parliamentary System

A coalition of House of Representatives members advocating for a return to the parliamentary system of government


The Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) has announced its collaboration with a coalition of House of Representatives members advocating for a return to the parliamentary system of government.

Led by Minority Leader Kingsley Chinda, 60 federal lawmakers held discussions with the ACF on Thursday, seeking endorsement for their proposed legislation to transition from the existing presidential system.

Chinda underscored the importance of garnering support from various regions and key stakeholders to facilitate the bill’s smooth passage. He emphasized that adopting the parliamentary system would promote greater accountability among elected officials.

In response to the lawmakers’ initiative, Bashir Dalhatu, Chairman of the ACF Board of Trustees, expressed satisfaction and assured the forum’s willingness to provide necessary assistance.

“We have agreed to establish a committee to collaborate with the lawmakers to review the draft bill they have prepared and offer suggestions and input. We believe this transition will serve the best interests of all Nigerians,” Dalhatu stated.

Echoing sentiments shared by many, Dalhatu highlighted the drawbacks of the current presidential system, citing its high cost and inefficiency. He emphasized the necessity of embracing a new governance model for the collective benefit of Nigerians.

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