Ex-DSS Boss: Nigeria Shouldn’t Target Binance Traders

Nigeria should not pursue those trading on Binance


Dennis Amachree, former Assistant Director of the Department of State Services (DSS), argued against pursuing individuals trading on Binance and highlighted the need to focus on the platform itself.

Amachree’s remarks come in the wake of controversies surrounding the reported escape of Binance executive Nadeem Anjarwalla from custody in Abuja.

He emphasized, “Nigeria should not pursue those trading on Binance. It is the platform itself that we have to interrogate.”

Amachree suggested directing attention towards the company’s executives, akin to holding bank management accountable for any wrongdoing by the institution.

Regarding Anjarwalla’s escape, Amachree criticized the handling of the situation, pointing out security lapses that allowed it to occur.

He questioned why Anjarwalla wasn’t detained by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) or DSS to prevent his escape, highlighting the need for accountability from security personnel involved.

Amachree also raised concerns about the appropriateness of keeping Anjarwalla in a guest house with access to communication devices, suggesting alternative secure facilities for detention.

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