Kebbi govt approves N3.34 billion subsidy for Hajj pilgrims

This decision comes in response to the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) announcing additional fares of about N2 million

2024 Hajj

The Kebbi government has approved a subsidy allocation of N3.34 billion to support 3,344 prospective pilgrims attending this year’s Hajj in Saudi Arabia from the state.

This decision comes in response to the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) announcing additional fares of about N2 million.

The approval was made during an emergency executive council meeting chaired by Deputy Governor Umar Abubakar-Tafida in Birnin Kebbi on Monday.

Speaking to journalists after the meeting, Commissioner Yakubu Ahmad, of Information and Culture, stated that this gesture reflects Governor Nasir Idris’s commitment to upholding religious values for societal peace and tranquility. Each pilgrim will receive an amount aimed at facilitating the complete payment of their fares before the closure date.

”Out of about N2 million requested by NAHCON as additional fares, the Kebbi government has offset N1 million for each pilgrim, while the remaining balance should be paid by individual pilgrims to complete payment.

”Pilgrims who completed payment of the fares would also enjoy the N1 million magnanimity from the government,” the commissioner explained.

On recent incidents of miscreants breaking into food stores and looting grains, Mr Ahmad announced the setting up of a 13-member committee under the chairmanship of the commissioner for agriculture and natural resources, Shehu Mu’azu, to investigate the incident.

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