Governor Mutfwang Urges PDP Elders to Prioritize Harmony Over Conflict

Governor Mutfwang stressed the significance of upholding the party's principles

Governor Caleb Mutfwang

Plateau State Governor, Caleb Mutfwang, has issued a cautionary note to elders of the state’s Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), advising against actions that could disrupt the party’s advancement.

As the ruling party in Plateau, Governor Mutfwang stressed the significance of upholding the party’s principles while fostering unity, tolerance, and collaboration within its ranks.

During a breakfast meeting with stakeholders and members of the PDP Elders’ Forum at his residence in the old Government House in Little Rayfield, Jos, the governor emphasized the importance of wise counsel from elders in ensuring the party’s stability.

Governor Mutfwang also urged a measured approach to the forthcoming congresses to elect party officials, cautioning against actions that could incite internal conflicts. He underscored honouring the grassroots sentiments and promoting inclusivity and consensus-building.

“The PDP is deeply rooted in the people of Plateau; it’s a platform they’ve embraced since 1999. It’s essential for the elders’ council to be active, as their wisdom is invaluable in steering the party,” Governor Mutfwang asserted.

He urged the elders to exhibit leadership and offer constructive advice to foster peace as the party prepares for the congress.

In response, the Chairman of the PDP Elders’ Forum, Chief Raymond Dabo, expressed appreciation for the governor’s leadership and reiterated the elders’ dedication to advancing the party’s agenda.

Eminent figures present included former Governor Jonah Jang, Amb. Yahaya Kwande, alongside former ministers and other distinguished party members.

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