PRP Slams FG Over Electricity Tariff Hike, Deems Move Insensitive

The party expressed profound concern over the tariff hike


The Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) has strongly condemned the federal government’s recent decision to raise electricity tariffs by over 300%, denouncing it as insensitive and blatant disregard for the citizens’ welfare.

In a statement issued by its Acting National Publicity Secretary, Muhammed Ishaq, the party expressed profound concern over the tariff hike, particularly in light of the removal of fuel subsidy and the significant devaluation of the naira.

The PRP highlighted that these actions have contributed to heightened living expenses and increased hardships for Nigerians, making the electricity tariff increase an unjustifiable burden on an already struggling populace.

“As a party dedicated to advocating for the well-being of the people, we share the deep concern and shock experienced by millions of Nigerians grappling with the harsh realities of survival. The government’s decision reflects insensitivity and a complete disregard for the citizens’ plight,” the statement asserted.

The party called upon the government to reconsider its decision and prioritize the welfare of its citizens. It urged authorities to explore alternative solutions that would alleviate rather than exacerbate the suffering of Nigerians, including investing in the exploration and expansion of renewable energy sources such as solar, biogas, and wind energy.

“The current economic climate necessitates empathy, comprehension, and concerted efforts to uplift the people, not policies that deepen their hardship,” the statement concluded.

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