It’s time to restructure Nigeria — Obasanjo

Lamenting the continuous cycle of poor governance in Nigeria, the former President emphasized the imperative of addressing these systemic issues for the nation's progress

Olusegun Obasanjo

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has expressed his support for the need to restructure Nigeria, emphasizing that the prevalence of ineffective systems of administration is detrimental to any country’s governance.

Speaking in Enugu over the weekend during the public presentation of the book ‘In Brotherhood We Stand: A Roadmap for the Rebirth of a Fragmented Nation’ authored by Engr. Chris Okoye, Obasanjo highlighted the urgency of restructuring.

The event took place at the Immanuel Gardens, Independence Layout in Enugu, with Obasanjo serving as the chairman.

Lamenting the continuous cycle of poor governance in Nigeria, the former President emphasized the imperative of addressing these systemic issues for the nation’s progress.

His words: “The clarion call in Nigeria today is one for restructuring and a reassessment of the terms of our union as a nation.

“No matter how economically viable a nation is, bad governance and a wrong system of administration can bring it down as there is a direct correlation between economic and political reforms.

“Our historical experience at constitution making and political reform show that we may have some structural defects that require adjustment so as not to continue to constrain the deepening, widening and consolidation of democratic values and practices.

“Indeed, some of the contradictions and challenges bequeathed by the colonial administration have continued to pose problems for us to this day.

“As things stand therefore, our constitution making efforts must go down the grassroots to deal with the issues of inclusion, popular participation, ownership, and legitimacy.”

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