Plateau: Police Inspector severs pregnant wife’s hand for not giving him money

One Ibrahim Shagari, a Police Inspector, has cut off the wrist of his pregnant wife, Hauwa Shagari, for not giving him money.

The chopping of Hauwa hand, which was caused by a disagreement between the couple over money, happened on Saturday, 27th April 2024.

The incident has landed Hauwa, a mother of three, in hospital where she’s battling for her life.

The husband was said to be heavily inebriated when he inflicted the life-threatening injury on his wife, turning her into a person with disability.

Narrating her near-death experience from her hospital bed at the Plateau Specialist Hospital, Mrs. Shagari said she could not believe that what started as a simple altercation with her drunken husband almost sent her to an early grave.

She said trouble began when her husband asked her to give him money after he had already collected the money he gave her to cook back.

Hauwa said she told him she had no money with her as she had already used the money with her to cook. Her explanation, however, was not enough to douse the tension and calm her husband frayed nerves.

She disclosed that he became unnecessarily aggressive, started creating scenes and constituting nuisance and attempts by his friends to rein him in did not yield result.

According to her, “On Saturday, my husband gave me money to cook soup but he later came back and asked that I return the money to him so I initially refused but later gave it to him and he went out. Later that day, he came back with some older men and asked that I give him more money and I told him there was no money because I had cooked food with the money I had.

“He started making trouble and the men tried to stop him but he would not listen so they asked me to go outside. As I stepped out, my husband followed me so I returned to the house and he insisted that I give him some money. Before I knew what was happening, he took a cutlass and started cutting the pawpaw tree I planted in the compound so my son came to report it to me.

“I said if cutting the pawpaw tree would make him happy, he should go ahead. After some time, he came back to me asking if I was talking to him. He said he would deal with me as I was telling him that I was not happy with his behaviour before our children and neighbours. I tried to collect the cutlass from him because from Friday, the previous day to that Saturday, he was very drunk.

“Next, I heard neighbours shouting, he had cut her hand, he had cut her hand. I saw blood and my daughter was crying. I didn’t even know that he had cut my hand, it was the shout and when I checked, I saw the hand in the nearby garden so I went and picked it up. My neighbours used clothes to stop the bleeding and rushed me to the hospital.”

The state Police spokesman, Alfred Alabo said “The man has been arrested and the investigation is ongoing.”

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