Terrorists strike Kaduna community, kill six in birthday celebration

According to Micah Aude, the community's youth leader, the attackers rode into the community on motorbikes and targeted a specific house where a birthday celebration was underway

On Monday, a devastating terrorist attack struck the Ambe community in Sanga Local Government Area, Kaduna State, leaving six people dead and nine others injured.

According to Micah Aude, the community’s youth leader, the attackers rode into the community on motorbikes and targeted a specific house where a birthday celebration was underway. However, the majority of the casualties occurred among those sitting outside nearby shops.

According to Punch, the locals managed to capture one of the attackers, who was riding a motorcycle, but unfortunately, the individual could not be identified. The attack has left the community in shock and grief.

“We Immediately handed over the attacker, who was apprehended, to the authorities for prompt action because we were rushing those injured to the hospital for medical attention at that time.

” Security operatives have been drafted to the Community, and normalcy has returned and we’re about to bury the six victims now,” Ambe said.

Meanwhile, the Police State Public Relations Officer, ASP Mansir Hassan, could not be reached on the phone, and he did not respond to a text message sent to him by our correspondent at the time of filing this report.

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