Soft skills and how to develop them: effective tips from the educational project Lectera

Soft skills allow you to apply specialised knowledge even more effectively and find a way out of difficult situations. That is why any employee needs them, be it an engineer, project manager, architect, business owner, or marketing communications specialist. So, what soft skills are there, and how do you use them? Lectera experts answer the questions.

Communication skills

Implementation areas: everywhere. From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, you are at the centre of a communications network. You consume content on social media, interact with people, give presentations at work, and so on.

Ways to develop: talk to people and work on your active listening. Set a specific goal – to make a cool presentation, tell a new friend about yourself, etc. You can also join the debate club to improve your communication skills.

Critical thinking skill

Implementation areas: data analysis, decision-making, and information search. Critical thinking is about carefully and wisely approaching the processing of information and its selection. You are not manipulated easily, you do not consume all the information you see but filter it.

Ways to develop: observe how people receive and analyse information. Learn to ask questions, dissect information analysis techniques and apply them to each new piece of content. At Lectera courses, we discuss information critical analysis frameworks and help you understand how to use them in real life. These programmes are completely free, and you can apply for them throughout the year.

Project management skill

Implementation areas: at work or school, if you solve project cases and perform joint tasks. This skill will come in handy when travelling, moving places, or engaging in a hobby, as these are all projects.

Ways to develop: imagine your tasks as projects, write down what goals you have, into what stages you can break them down, etc. Then think about how exactly you will perform each of the tasks before you. If you want to become better at this, check out free courses from Lectera – we teach students how to manage projects, teams, and their personal life, training the skill on real case studies.

Emotional intelligence

Implementation areas: any conversation. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand the emotions and true motives of other people and find a unique approach to them. It is practised through observing the person’s reactions and developing empathy.

Ways to develop: treat others with empathy, try to understand their true motives and needs, and learn to apply the method of non-violent communication (observation + fact about the interlocutor + voicing your need + request) with friends in a comfortable environment.

Lectera experts believe that you’ll be able to hone any skill with a little practice. Especially if you take the platform’s courses on major soft skills, including free ones.

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