The best dogs for your kids



Dogs are often described as man’s best friends, more importantly are kids best friends. This is because dogs are homely, loyal, friendly, protective, have a caring demeanor and ability to keep up with family. While these dog traits are found in virtually all dogs, they vary from dogs to dogs. Dogs also come as purebred and crossbred.

While you might want to keep dogs for general house security, there are dogs that are best suited for keeping an eye on your kids.

Dog Experts often advise that if you have young children at home, adopting an older dog instead of a puppy should be the preferred option. This is because older dogs are generally more mature, patient and laid-back than younger ones, which is important for children who might want to play by pulling the tails or ears of these dogs. Although puppies would require lots of training, they will likely socialize well with the entire family and grow along with your kids especially if they are toddlers. At the end of the day, the choice is yours to make.

young boy with dog

Temperaments is another factor to consider and it can vary based on the individual animal. Do you want a calm dog or one which is always lively and happy?

You’d have to do a thorough research on the best characteristics of dogs that fit what you want. These are the top 10 of the best dogs to get for your kids as pets.



The Beagle is one of the most popular household dogs in Nigeria. It’s small size means it can easily be carried. Its calm temperament makes this breed a great choice for families.

Beagles were originally kept as hunting dogs, and their sturdy build means they’re never too tired to play games. If your kids love the outdoors, this breed will fit right in, since there’s nothing they love more than exploring outside and taking to the trails.

This dog breed is very smart, playful, friendly, and happy.



Poodles are good family dogs — fun, energetic, smart and easy to train. They do best with plenty of exercise for both mind and body and prefer to be with people most of the time. They are not good kennel dogs. Poodles are protective of their family & friends – people they are familiar with. Due to this, Socialization should begin early and include other people, other pets and the grooming routine.

Many poodles live a comparatively long life, with the smaller poodles reaching as much as 17 years of age, while the standards tend to live for 12 to 14 years.



The Collie is a highly social animal, which is highly devoted to its family. They’re sensitive dogs that seem to have a special understanding of their humans’ feelings. They love and need to be with their family. Collies are excellent companions for everyone in the family, young and old. The Collie has a calm and welcoming personality and loves to be petted. They enjoy caring for people.

Another good thing about them is that they aren’t very expensive to maintain. The downside, like every hairy dog, is they shed a lot so you might need to pick hairs on the floor. More so, regularly comb their hair to keep their beauty.

Cairn Terrier

Cairn Terrier

The only dog of the terrier family in this list, the cairn terrier is a proper kid’s dog. These active little dogs seem to have a natural affinity for kids. They can keep up with kids and tolerate just about anything.

They are an affectionate, gentle breed, particularly with children. While many smaller dogs usually can’t handle roughhousing children, the Cairn terrier seems to love them.

Shih tzu

Shih tzu

The Chinese breed, Shih tzu is renowned for its perky, happy temperaments. They are lively and friendly. Shih tzu tend to get along well with people of all ages and with other dogs as well as other pets of different species. Rarely you will find a dull shih tzu, but most are very sweet.

They are ideal pet dogs especially for kids below 5 years. Though a very low maintenance dog, Shih tzu must be given special care because of their immune system.



Known for its affinity with children, the Pug is friendly, outgoing, silly, and just plain fun. In the Pug’s breed standard, the written description of the ideal example of the breed, the dog is described as multum in parvo, a Latin phrase that means “a lot in a little.” These dogs are small but cobby and solidly built, and they soak up lots of love from gentle children.

Pugs need only daily walks for exercise, but caution must be used on warm days as the Pug’s pushed-in muzzle means they cannot tolerate hot temperatures. The short coat is easy to care for, but these dogs shed a fair amount, so brush daily to cut down on hair in the house.

Golden Retriever

Golden retriever

The Golden Retriever is a popular family dog, which is confident, smart, kind, and loyal. Neither aggressive nor timid, the Golden Retriever is extremely patient, which makes them a perfect match for kids. Golden Retrievers are strong and athletic, and they have an active nature, so make sure they get plenty of exercise. They love to play (retrieving games are their favorite).

You’ll often find that the fun-loving Golden Retriever is affectionate and obedient, as well, meaning that your kids will fall in love instantly. Proper care for their glorious golden coats requires twice-weekly brushing.

German Shepherd

German shepard

German Shepherds are known for being loving to and protective of kids. This breed is extremely loyal and protective but must be well-trained. German shepherds have a playful side, especially at a younger age. They can be sweet and gentle with their family but are wary of strangers. An intelligent breed, they can be taught to do almost anything.

A properly trained German Shepherd is a good addition to a home with children when the children are taught to respect the dog and the dog is taught to respect the children.

They bond quickly with kids in the home, tend to protect their families, but may become overly protective of family members if not properly socialized and trained. They are one of the most popular dogs in the world.



The Boxer is playful, exuberant, inquisitive, attentive, demonstrative, devoted, and outgoing; this dog is a perfect companion for an active family. Their patience and protective nature have earned them a reputation as a great dog with children. They take the jobs of watchdog and family guardian seriously and will meet threats fearlessly.

Boxers can be stubborn, but are sensitive and responsive to commands. They may be assertive toward strange dogs, but are generally good with other family dogs and pets.

A male boxer can stand as high as 25 inches at the shoulder; females run smaller.

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

This is one of THE most popular dog breeds, and for good reason—the Labrador Retriever is playful, patient, loving, protective, and reliable. One striking trait about them – Labs are highly intelligent and take well to training. So when you train them to keep an eye on your kids, you can be rest assured of a guardian.

They love swimming and require A LOT of exercise. Make sure that they have plenty of room to run around and play. These affable dogs get along well with other animals and pretty much everyone they meet.

Labradors often shed, so you should be prepared for cleaning up their hair regularly. Their short coats mean that they only really need a weekly combing to keep them clean and healthy.

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