8 Important Diet Tips To Stay Healthy and Immune During The Rainy Season

Rainy Season

There will be an increase in sicknesses and disorders that damage the body’s immune system because of the heavy downpours, the chilly weather, and other factors. One of the key factors contributing to the entry of several common diseases into our bodies is a weakened immune system. During the rainy season, it’s very common to contract the flu, a cold, a cough, malaria, dengue, stomach infections, fever, typhoid, and pneumonia.

It is crucial to take extra attention with what we eat and drink during the rainy season because it has an impact on our body’s immune system.

Increase Vitamin C intake

Fruits and Vegetables

The rainy season is the best time for viruses and bacteria to thrive. During this time of the year, you will observe that fevers, malaria, allergic reactions and other viral infections are on a rise. This is due to a weak immune system, which usually happens to people during this season.

To remain healthy and boost the body’s immune system, you need to increase your Vitamin C intake.

Vitamin C can be found in natural sources such as red and green peppers, papayas, oranges, pineapples, mango, etc. There are also vitamin C supplements which you can add to your daily routine.

Drink More Water


In the rainy season, it is important to drink water to stay hydrated because the body will lose more water due to frequent urine. To compensate for this loss, it is important to drink enough water to keep the body at optimal level.

Water also helps to rid the body of toxins that can have a negative effect on the immune system. Drinking 2-3 litres of water everyday has proven to help promote glowing skin since it keeps your kidneys, gut and liver healthy, boosts the collagen production of your skin, and keeps it hydrated and moisturised

Boiling or purifying it is much recommended during the rainy season as the chances of water contamination is much higher during the rains. In the rainy season there are environmental conditions that favour the growth of bacteria which may be harmful for the digestive system. Therefore it is advised to boil water to kill any bacteria present in water before drinking.

Avoid Junks Intake

Junk Food

Fried foods and other foods classified as junks that require or contain a lot of oil are not very healthy as they slow down the digestive tract. During the rainy season, it is very important to have a healthy digestive system.

Remember how quickly a person falls ill during this season, it is important for one to eat food that will improve the well-being of the body instead of gradually destroying the body. Generally, junks aren’t very healthy to the body, worse, a season when the body’s immune system is low.

Eat Warm Food

Preparing Meal

Generally, it is important for the body to be kept warm during the rainy season. This prevents bacteria and viruses from having a breeding place in your body. Consuming warm food and drinks can help prevent you from catching a cold or being exposed to other infections due to sudden temperature changes.

“Warm Soups, tea, coffee, and other hot beverages are a good way to maintain your body temperature.

Avoid Alcohol and Carbonated Drinks

Rainy season isn’t the best time to indulge in the consumption of alcohol because it weakens the immune system and also dehydrates the body.

This is the same with carbonated drinks which take away from your overall health. Not only are they extremely high on sugar, they dehydrate the body and contain compounds which are bad for the body’s immune system.

These drinks reduce the number of minerals in our bodies, leading to a reduction in enzyme activities. This means that if you consumes soft drinks, your digestive system, which is already at the risk of digestive issues during this season, will get weaker and which ultimately increases your chances of falling sick.

Consume home-cooked food

Home cooked Okro Meal

Rainy season is a very bad time to eat food sold in public places. This is because these foods can easily be contaminated with microbes. In fact, illnesses associated with food poisoning owing to contaminations are always on the rise.

Due to the risks of all these infections, people are advised to have a simple, balanced, freshly cooked meal that’s healthy and very easy to digest.

Eat raw fruits and vegetables only if you have washed them in running purified water and peeled them yourself. Avoid fresh fruits which have been pre-cut or peeled and kept in the open, as common in Lagos.

Add Spices especially Turmeric, Garlic and Ginger to your diet

Garlic and Ginger

Include spices like turmeric, garlic and ginger in your diet because these have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.

Adding a clove of garlic to our food, especially soups and hot beverages can do wonders for our immune system. Ginger and garlic are packed with antioxidants that help in maintaining a stable metabolism rate. Garlic and ginger have potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. Thus, adding them to your diet may help keep your immune system healthy.

Garlic is used in a wide variety to treat many ailments, including colds, respiratory issues, parasites, poor digestion, TB, diabetes, fevers, and even dysentery. Ginger can help with stuffed up joints and muscles and also soothe sore throats.

Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties, turmeric can fight off any infections in the body.

Eat more soups


We can’t underestimate the importance of soups for the good of the body. Soups are rich in vitamins and minerals which help to build the body’s immune system. Hot soups during the rains also leave anybody with a sense of warmth and comfort. Not only do soups bring in the warmth that the body needs to prevent catching chills, but it is also one of the best foods to feed anyone that is sick. Lovely pepper soup, vegetable soup or even a chicken soup with vegetables can work wonders.

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