How To Prepare And Use Clove Soaked In Water For Infection

How To Prepare And Use Clove Soaked In Water For Infection

How To Prepare And Use Clove Soaked In Water For Infection

Have you ever heard of using clove to treat infections? Well, you’re in luck because this is exactly what we’ll discuss in this article. Clove has been a powerful natural remedy for centuries to treat colds, flu, and infections. If you’re interested in learning how to prepare and use clove soaked in water for infection, read on.

We’ll walk you through the preparation process step-by-step and provide information on the possible benefits of using clove to treat an infection. We’ll also explain the potential risks of using this remedy and offer advice on when to consult a doctor if symptoms persist. So get ready to take some notes; it’s time to learn how to prepare and use cloves soaked in water for infection!

Prepare And Use Clove Soaked In Water For Infection

Clove is the dried flower bud of a tree scientifically known as Eugenia caryophyllata, with a long history of use in traditional medicine. Clove-infused water has been used as a natural remedy to treat various conditions. It has been used to treat oral health issues like bad breath and toothache, digestive issues like nausea and stomach ulcers, and skin problems like rashes and infections.

As an anti-microbial, clove can be added to water for a natural remedy against infections. It is important to note that you should not consume clove water for more than 7 days without seeking medical advice from your doctor or other healthcare professionals first.

How to Use Cloves to Treat Infection

Using cloves to treat infection is a great alternative to antibiotics, and it doesn’t come with any of the nasty side effects that antibiotics do. The main query is, however, how to treat the infection with clove water. Before eating in the morning, always drink water. The dosage must be reduced to a safe level for the clove water to function well without negative side effects.

Also, buying organically grown cloves is vital because you will be ingesting the water and will not have to deal with the side effects of pesticides and other plant pollutants. All you have to do to use cloves to treat an infection is drop a few leaves into some water. This water should not be used topically, which means that it should not be applied to the skin or by any other technique that has nothing to do with the gastrointestinal cavity.

The best way to treat infections is through drinking clove water.

How to Prepare Clove Water for Infection

Are you wondering how to prepare clove water for infection? Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting you started.

Step 1: Gather your Supplies

The first thing is to gather your supplies. You’ll need whole cloves, a pot, water, a spoon, a storage jar, or a container. The cloves should be organic and preferably fresh off the stem of the clove tree.

Step 2: Use The Right Ratio

Once you have everything ready, it’s time to start making the clove water. To do this, you’ll need to keep the ratio of one teaspoon of cloves for every two cups of water. Fill your pot with the appropriate amount of water and give it a quick stir before adding the cloves.

Step 3: Boil It Up

Bring the clove-infused water to a boil before reducing it to low heat, so it simmers for about 10 minutes. You should be able to smell the cloves as they infuse their flavor into the water!

Step 4: Final Touches

Once that’s done, let the heat cool before transferring your clove-infused clove-infused water into a storage container. Store in a fridge and use within two days maximum for best effect!

Another method

You’ll need to prepare the cloves. Begin by filling a bowl or glass with water, adding 10-15 freshly crushed or ground cloves, and leaving it overnight or for at least 8 hours. This will give the clove extract enough time to soak up into the water, infusing it with all its healing benefits.

Are There Any Precautions to Take?

Before you prepare or use your clove-infused water, you should consider a few things. It’s always important to remember that while clove is an effective remedy against infection, it is still very potent, and it is important to take precautions when using it.


Clove should be diluted with water before use. It’s recommended that you start with small water and adjust the ratio if necessary. This will reduce the concentration of the clove so that it is safe for use on your skin.


Clove can be a skin irritant, so if you have sensitive skin, you should start with a small amount of clove and increase the concentration slowly. If using undiluted clove oil, test it on a small area of skin first to ensure it does not irritate you.


It’s also possible to have an allergic reaction to cloves. So, if you’re allergic to this spice or other plants in the same family, like ginger and cardamom, avoid using or ingesting any products containing cloves or clove essential oil.

Despite these precautions, clove-infused water can effectively fight infections naturally; just make sure that if you try it out for yourself, be mindful of potential allergens and dilute your clove oil thoroughly!

Potential Side Effects of Using Clove Soaked in Water for Infection

Using clove soaked in water to treat infection has potential side effects, and you must understand these before using the method.

Allergic Reactions

An allergic reaction is a common potential side effect of using clove soaked in water. Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include hives, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Upset Stomach

Another potential side effect of using this method is an upset stomach. It is not uncommon for patients to experience nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea after consuming the mixture.

Burning Sensation

It is possible to experience a burning sensation when consuming clove soaked in water, especially if the mixture isn’t prepared properly or the patient isn’t used to such spicy ingredients.

It’s important to avoid ingesting large amounts of clove soaked in water as this could lead to further side effects. Always speak with a healthcare professional for advice about any side effects associated with this method and how best to approach them if they occur.

What Are the Other Uses of Clove-Infused Water?

Besides using clove-infused water to treat infections, did you know it can also help with other health problems? Clove-infused water has many medicinal uses, including:

Pain reliever

Clove-infused water can be used as a natural pain reliever. Clove contains compounds such as eugenol and benzaldehyde, which help to numb the tissues and reduce pain. To use clove as a pain reliever, add one tablespoon of cloves to two cups of boiling water, let it steep for 15 minutes, strain, and then apply the liquid to the affected area.

Digestive aid

Cloves have long been used as a digestive aid due to their antibacterial properties. Clove-infused water can help relieve stomach pains and cramps and aid in digestion. To get these benefits, add one tablespoon of cloves to one cup of boiling water and let it steep for 20 minutes before drinking it.


Cloves contain high levels of antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Drinking clove-infused water can help boost your body’s antioxidant levels and help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease. To reap these benefits, add one tablespoon of cloves to one cup of boiling water and let it steep for 10 minutes before drinking the liquid.

Kills Bacteria

Clove is a powerful antibacterial agent. This means that when you take a glass of clove-infused water, it can help in killing bacteria and other organisms that are responsible for causing infections and illnesses.

Lowers Risk Of Diabetes

Cloves contain cinnamaldehyde and eugenol, which can help regulate blood sugar levels, thus reducing the risk of diabetes. Additionally, cloves contain carotenoids that improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.

Improves Liver Health

Clove-infused water can improve liver health by helping with digestion and preventing fat from building up in the liver. Additionally, the antioxidants present in cloves can protect the liver from free radical damage.

Helps And Improves Bone Health

Cloves are rich in minerals like manganese, magnesium and calcium, which promote strong bones and reduce the risk of conditions like osteoporosis. Moreover, phenolic compounds in cloves fight inflammation, reducing joint pain and improving flexibility.

Reduce Stomach Ulcer

The eugenol in cloves can help relieve stomach ulcers and other digestive issues and reduce pain. Furthermore, cloves may also help fight Helicobacter pylori bacteria which is responsible for causing stomach ulcers.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may have questions about using clove water to help with infections. Here are some of the most common questions and their answers to help you out:

How Long Should I Leave The Cloves In The Water?

Ideally, you should leave the cloves in the water for about 8 hours or more before removing them. This will ensure that the water has absorbed all the cloves’ beneficial compounds.

How Often Can I Use Clove Water?

Clove water is generally considered safe for use up to three times daily. However, it’s important to remember that everyone is different and may not be suitable for everyone. If you have any concerns, consult with your doctor before use.


To wrap it up, clove soaked in water is one of the most effective natural remedies for infection. It is a great way to get the most out of cloves’ incredible anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This remedy is simple and easy to do, so why not try it? Remember, if the infection persists, it may be necessary to use other remedies alongside this one. In any case, it’s always best to consult with a medical professional before attempting self-treatment. But if you’re looking for a natural and easy way to deal with bacterial infections, clove soaked in water is a great option.


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