How to Win Fortnite: Advanced Strategies

How to Win Fortnite

Fortnite is a highly popular game with a massive player base, but achieving that coveted Victory Royale can be challenging. This guide is aimed at more experienced players who already grasp the game’s basics. Here are some advanced techniques and strategies to help you secure those wins:

10. Zero Build or Battle Royale?

Before diving into a match, consider whether you want to play standard Battle Royale or Zero Build modes. Zero Build might be a better choice if you’re not confident in your building skills. Choose the mode that aligns with your strengths and preferences.


9. Have a Landing Game Plan

From the moment you board the Battle Bus, have a landing spot in mind. Depending on your playstyle, select a location that suits you, whether it’s a quiet or busy area. If you prefer to avoid early-game fights, there’s nothing wrong with landing in a more remote spot. Tailor your landing strategy to your skill level.


8. Looting and What to Carry

Looting is somewhat random, but you can increase your odds of finding better gear. Focus on areas with a higher density of chest spawns to improve your weapon selection. Prioritize higher-level chests when possible and collect keys for locked boxes.

Regarding what to carry, make room for meds, a close-range weapon like a shotgun, an AR or DMR for longer ranges, and one or two additional items like mobility items or utility weapons like the Shockwave Hammer.


7. Use Sound

Sound plays a crucial role in Fortnite. Use sound cues, like enemy footsteps and gunfire, to pinpoint enemy locations and gather valuable intel. Many successful players rely on sound to stay aware of their surroundings.

6. Stay Up to Date

Keep up with Fortnite news to stay informed about changes, new items, and points of interest (POIs). Understanding the current state of the game is essential for success.

5. Use Gold, NPCs, and Upgrades

Don’t underestimate the value of NPCs and gold. Spend your gold wisely, upgrading your weapons and hiring NPCs to act as teammates. NPCs can divert enemy attention and deal damage on your behalf. Smart use of gold can make a significant difference in your chances of winning.


4. Pick the Right Fights and Third-Party Players

You don’t have to engage in every fight you encounter. Sometimes, it’s better to hang back and survive. Assess your situation; reposition or avoid the fight altogether if it doesn’t favour you. Capitalize on opportunities for third-party players engaged in combat and weaken them for an easier victory.

3. Consider Alternative Strategies

Hiding and waiting until the final circle is a viable strategy. While you’ll need to secure the last kill, staying out of harm’s way can increase your chances of winning.

2. Clinch the Final Kill

To secure the Victory Royale, you must secure the final kill. In the endgame, take a strategic position like high ground and use open shots to weaken your opponent. Avoid exposing yourself unnecessarily. The final kill often comes down to skill, but having better loot and positioning can improve your odds.


1. Watch Your Mistakes

Even the best players make mistakes. One of the most effective ways to improve is to review your gameplay, identify your mistakes, and learn from them. Whether it’s giving away your position or engaging in a fight from a disadvantageous position, use replays to pinpoint areas for improvement.

Remember that while Fortnite has elements of randomness, such as loot and storm circles, strategic gameplay can significantly increase your chances of achieving Victory Royales. Whether you’re honing your building skills or fine-tuning your decision-making, continuous improvement is key to success in Fortnite.

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