NUC approves Medicine, Surgery, 23 other programmes for KWASU

The Kwara State University (KWASU) says it has gotten approval for the commencement of MBBS Medicine and Surgery and 23 other programmes by the National Universities Commission (NUC).
A statement issued by Dr Saeedat Aliyu, the Director, University Relations, on Thursday in Ilorin, said the approval was contained in a letter addressed to the Vice Chancellor of the institution, Prof. Mohammed Akanbi.
”The letter addressed to the Vice Chancellor of the institution was signed by the Director, Academic Planning, Dr N.B. Saliu, for the Executive Secretary of the Commission.
”Top on the list of approved programmes is the MBBS Medicine and Surgery; B.Eng. Food Engineering; B.Sc. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management; B.Sc. Taxation; B.Sc. Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution; and B.Ed. Educational Management.
”Other undergraduate programmes are B.A. Ed. in English Education, Christian Studies Education; Arabic Education; French Education; Islamic Studies Education; and Yoruba Education.
”The approval equally granted the establishment of B.Sc. Ed. in Agricultural Education; Biology Education; Chemistry Education; Computer Science Education; Mathematics Education; and Physics Education.
” Also approved was postgraduate programmes including M.Eng. and Ph.D. Electrical Electronics Engineering; M.Sc. and PhD. Plant and Environmental Biology; M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering; and M.Sc. Tourism and Hospitality Management,” the statement read in part.
Aliyu added that the approval of the new programmes, which is with effect from the 2022/2023 academic session, followed resource verification visits by panels of experts to the university.
She said they assessed the human and material resources available for their establishment.
The director quoted the vice-chancellor expressing appreciation to the Kwara Gov. AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, for the support which has contributed to the many successes the institution has recorded.
”The approval to commence the new programmes would contribute to the State’s drive to increase the development of human capacity.
”The programmes would also offer premium opportunity to Kwarans and Nigerians to receive excellent education in those areas.
”We also acknowledge the support of the Ministry of Tertiary Education and the Commissioner, Dr Afeez Abolore Alabi, for the success recorded,” Akannbi was quoted as saying.
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