BBNaija 2021: Maria Reacts As Michael Opens Up On Why He Can Sleep With Angel [VIDEO]

The housemates had a pool party after they successfully completed the task assigned to them by their headline sponsor. Big Brother was impressed by their presentation, thus he allowed them to have a pool party and spend some quality time together in the Jacuzzi.

After the pool party, Pere, Maria and Michael sat down to have heart to heart conversation about their relationships in the house. During their conversation, Michael informed his fellow housemates that he has seen some seductive signals from some female housemates, precisely Angel.

He said he observed that Angel is really into him and if he wants to sleep with her, she would not reject his advances. After making this revelation, Maria was forced to ask him why he does not want to seize the opportunity to be with Angel.

Michael told them that he likes Jackie B a lot more than Angel and he does not want to jeopardize his chances with her. He also emphasized the fact that if he makes love to Angel once, she would not able to able get herself off him again. He says that she would remain glued to him and he doesn’t want that because Jackie B is the one he wanted.

Just like Michael said, there was a scenario that happened between Angel and Michael after a particular Saturday night party. Angel was quite intimate with Michael after the party and she nearly locked lips with him but Michael rejected her advances.

He said “Don’t play with me girl. Angel, stop playing with me. I know that you are playing with me and I don’t like that”. Angel then told him that “just tell me to leave and I will go immediately”. Michael told her right away that he wants her to leave and Angel leaves instantly.

He told Pere and Maria that he still sees that Angel is still into him and he is confident that he could get into bed with her if he wants. He is avoiding her basically because Jackie B is the one he wants and not her.

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