BREAKING: 24 Rivers Lawmakers Sign For Impeachment Of Gov Fubara

The decisions were taken at an emergency sitting by the lawmakers on Monday morning.

A document to impeach Governor Siminialayi Fubara has been signed by 24 of the 32 members of the Rivers Assembly.

They suspended and impeached House Leader Edison Ehie, who is thought to be siding with the governor, and then served Fubara with an impeachment notice.

Monday morning’s emergency session of the legislature resulted in the decisions.

Monday between 7 and 9 a.m. was the time of the odd seating.

Although newsmen were barred from the sitting, The Nation gathered that all the 24 members who signed the impeachment notice were present.

Ehie was not present at the sitting but later came in with the Governor.

However the action had already been concluded as the lawmakers left the Assembly complex through the second gates before Fubara and Ehie were allowed access to the complex.

Details Shortly…

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