Expert tasks security operatives on professionalism

A Security Expert, Mr Confidence MacHarry, has called on Law Enforcement Agencies in the country to exhibit professionalism in the discharge of their duties.

MacHarry stated this at the “Eight Global Right’s Conflict Specific Dialogue Series”, organized by Sesor Foundation on Tuesday in Lagos.

MacHarry spoke on the topic: “The Emerging Threats: Nature and State of Mass Atrocities in the South West.”

MacHarry said that the situation where some security officials engage in activities outside their core mandates deny them the trust and support of the masses.

He, therefore, urged security operatives to exhibit high professional competence for the masses to have positive perception about them and assist them with credible intelligence to secure the country.

The expert noted that virtually all the States of the federation are challenged by peculiar security issues.

He said that everything boils down to government policies.

“When you are driving in Lagos, you see crowds of unemployed people. When people are gainfully employed, insecurity will reduce.

“Maintaining security is a long-term project. It takes the entire aspect of responsibility from government in bringing about good policies, provision of infrastructure and so many others.

“Government should improve in areas it is not doing well,” MacHarry said.

He called on the authorities to urgently deal with the proliferation of small arms by persons not authorized to carry them.

He added that the proper equipping of security forces would go a long way in checking the rising security threats in the country.

The event was attended by law enforcement personnel, security experts, members of Civil Society Organisations and the media.

Discussants at a panel unanimously endorsed the adoption of state policing, but called for proper funding and equipping of the outfits to make them more effective.

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