Kaatachi is a story of a young Ghana returnee, who believes he is exposed, learned, and makes everyone around him...
Popular Nigerian filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan has shared a video documenting the making of the Netflix original Christmas movie, ‘A Naija...
Veteran Nollywood filmmaker, Tunde Kelani has commended the efforts of Toyin Abraham in the production of her latest film titled...
In a conversation concerning the growth of Nollywood, movie directors should get a full session to themselves because they are...
The Nigerian movie industry popularly referred to as Nollywood has grown tremendously over the years. With the advent of technology,...
Telling a story that an audience finds captivating is not easy, because the mind of a storyteller can be likened...
Popular Babalawo or Ifa priest character in Yoruba movies, Adewale Alebiosu has revealed that reciting some incantations in movies had...
There is a huge audience for romance dramas in Nollywood, and over the years, we have seen many attempt it....
Popular YouTuber and filmmaker, Adenike Adebayo teases on temptation in marriage in her directorial debut, ‘Ch3mistry’ as the new trailer...
Over the last couple of years, the impact of digital media on many industries has been tremendous. With a focus...
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