7 Things Men Really Really Want In A Relationship

Open any beauty magazine and you’ll see article upon article about what women want in relationships and how to get that. But there’s rarely a space for men to express their relationship needs. Thanks to Withinnigeria for creating that space. Here are 7 things that men really want in a relationship.

1. To feel like your hero

We don’t want to be your Clark Kent. We want to be your Superman. We want you to see us as leaping tall buildings in a single bound and catching bullets. We want to carry you in our arms and show you the world. Or at least feel that way. And I know it’s our job to get there, but nothing gives us more strength than a woman who creates a space that makes us feel invincible. If you make us feel invincible, we’ll make you feel like you’re the most beautiful creature on this planet.


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