A tweet is making people think and speak of all the reasons why they are in love, and the resulting thread is filled with all the emotional and heart-warming beauties of love imaginable.
“Describe how you knew you were in love” asks the tweet which has now been retweeted almost 9k times and liked over 35k times.
Of all the inspiring and thoughtful reasons delivered in that thread, here’s one by Hazael [@hayzaelicious], a Nigerian Twitter user who threads her passionate response to reflect all the relatable romantic motions she’s going through with the love of her life.
Hazael says the very first indication of love for her man was how her desire for personal betterment was influenced by the knowledge that it’d make her a better person for him as well.
How did you know you were in love?
“When I found myself taking actual steps to becoming a better human not just for myself but for him cause I want more than anything to be his safe haven. When I realized the only face that I want to see smiling at me at the end of this process is his.
The only face that I want to see smiling at me at the end of this process is his
“Talking to him at the end of a bad day no matter what it is we talk about makes me feel one million times better even if we argue I still feel better. He’s the first person I want to share any news with, good or bad. When I realized hearing is laugh was my favorite music.
“My heart races faster than normal when I think of him or my mind conjures his smell or voice when we’re apart. Each time we are apart I feel this pain of a part of me being away and I want more than anything to have that part back When we fight it physically aches.
“I sleep better and longer whenever I’m around him or in his house. His house feels like home His arms feel like my throne. His kiss gives me shivers every time be it a full blown French kiss or a peck on the lips. His stare makes me want to have his kids.
“His touch leaves a burning sensation on my skin. The thought of losing him gives me an anxiety attack. The thought of growing old with him gives me immeasurable joy. The thought of him being with any other woman but me sends me into a frenzy.
“Knowing he’s mine gives me peace Knowing he’s mine gives me a sense of security. Knowing he’s mine makes me feel safe. Knowing he’s mine makes me feel like I can do anything and I’ll always have support. Knowing he’s mine gives me a confidence I never knew I had.
“Above all, when I realized I pray for him and about him more than I pray for myself.”
This, right here, is really, really breathtaking and everyone deserves to feel it at least once in a lifetime. Hopefully, that one time will be all that’ll be ever needed.
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